We have been told that if you pass an exam you already know how to do something, but no matter how much you spend your life watching videos of the best cyclist in the world and pass the most difficult certification for riding a bike, rest assured that you will fall. Now we know that exams serve nothing more than to demonstrate that you have memorized something , that you will soon forget, and it is of no use. We have been taught to replicate and memorize formulas and methodologies, in the case of business schools to use the case method, but the pandemic has made it clear that the recipes we knew were useless and we had to relearn how to do everything. .
That is why it is essential to train new generations ID Number List in the attitude that multiplies, as opposed to attitudes that only add. We are limited to a closed learning space and the digital world, it is like the library of Alexandria, is full of knowledge. Educational institutions have also wanted to keep knowledge and create distances between apprentices and teachers, when today the teacher can become an apprentice and the apprentice a teacher and that must be promoted and not rejected or punished.
They keep insisting on telling us that to learn we have to attend classes or watch videos or read books. And instead of face-to-face classes, they put us in telepresence classes. And it's not true, of course we need learning resources! But we really learn when we get on a bicycle and not by going to bike classes . what we see and do not practice is called the forgetting curve. They have stigmatized us by saying that mistakes are bad and mistakes are the beginning of true learning. Because we have all fallen when we were learning to ride a bike and we have gotten up and kept going. They keep saying that an entrepreneur is born and not made.