The app will send push notifications to users asking them about their impressions of a place ask them to rate it and leave a comment. Among other things this feature allows business owners to improve their services. Stages of Developing a Location-Based Application If you don't know where to start to create a navigation app start with planning.
Project planning will help you define the requirements goals and eliminate the risks of a future application. To create a quality and competitive location-based app you will have to spend a lot of time effort mobile app designs service and finances. Let's take a look at the main steps for preparing and developing geolocation applications. Research First you need to define the requirements and goals of the project.
Goal setting depends on the industry you choose. In the planning stage you have to make sure that your app idea is viable and has potential. If your chosen niche is very competitive and full of flawless solutions it makes sense to think about the feasibility of developing an application for this industry.