As technology evolves, predictive marketing is increasingly central. By predicting customer needs and desires, you can create tailor-made products and services , drive sales and conversions and establish long-term relationships. As we have seen, predictive analytics methodologies have existed for some time. We are convinced that today is the time to act, in the name of the digital revolution. Faced with the flood of information that comes to us from the web and digital world, it is necessary to keep the clarity of our thinking active.
Ability of analysis, discernment, criticism, articulation Turkey Phone Numbers 32 Million List of reasoning and synthesis are fundamental to remain firmly within this tide. But thought, or rather "logos", also has another dimension, that linked to intuition, depth and analogy, a dimension that can even be stimulated by the web, if it is acted upon appropriately, that is, maintaining the centrality of one's Self. following topic
Skills of the digital world Logic of the digital world Hypertext and reticular connections: the new logic New logic: between problems and antidotes Sartori and Homo Videns Sartori: between modernity and postmodernity The conscious man and the digital Intuitive logic Associative logic and the magic of the media Bibliography.