In this experiment, participants were asked to assemble several products including some IKEA branded ones and then express their opinions on the entire assembly process. The results were interesting. The degree of appreciation was highest in those candidates able to successfully complete the assembly, indicating satisfaction in the entire process and real pride in later admiring the product they built . We reach a situation in which customers consider the assembly phase of their products an integral part of the very value of their purchases.
According to this study, the IKEA Effect does not end at the time of purchase. The IKEA Effect starts at the moment of purchase but also develops much beyond. It is precisely this feeling of satisfaction and personal pride that is the real secret of IKEA. Ikea-quote-effect Return to index How do you transform the superfluous into the necessary? Have you ever entered seo expater bangladesh ltd an IKEA store with the intention of buying one or more specific items and left with a cart full of objects or furniture different from those initially purchased? If the answer to this question is yes, then the IKEA Effect has worked on you too. This is because every IKEA store is entirely designed for this purpose to capture.

The customer's undivided attention and induce him to consider a myriad of purchases as a corollary to the main request. If you have ever entered an IKEA store, you will surely have noticed, on the floor, something very similar to real road signs, as well as an arrangement of the display areas so intricate that it seems like a labyrinth. The concept of the functional labyrinth According to Marcus Engman , global chief designer of IKEA, the motivation behind this "particular" layout of the display areas within their stores is to accompany customers on a real journey , as often happens in internal displays. of museums.